Welcome back to my Microsoft Sentinel Blogseries! In this episode I will give you some basic examples of how to deploy a Basic Sentinel Instance (trough the Azure Portal) addressing the Sentinel Intance, Data Connectors, Analytics Rules and a Playbook setup! Please make sure to read my previous blog about these subjects first!

Creating a Log Analytics Workspace

  1. In the Azure Portal -> Search for Sentinel
  2. Click on Create
  3. Create Log Analytics Workspace
  1. From the Log Analytics workspaces menu in the Azure portal, select your workspace.
  2. Select Usage and estimated costs in the left pane.
  3. Select Data Retention at the top of the page.
  4. Change retention to a retention you would like to use, for example 365 days.
  5. After creation make sure you set the Entra ID Diagnostic settings to send all of the logs to this Workspace!

Creating a Sentinel Instance

  1. In the Azure Portal -> Search for Sentinel
  2. Click on Create -> Add Microsoft Sentinel to a Workspace
  1. Click “Add”, this takes a while.
  2. Finally you are presented with Microsoft Sentinel!

  1. Within Sentinel, go to Settings -> Playbook Settings and give Sentinel Access to run Paybooks in your Subscription(s)
  1. Now we are ready to get started with Configuring Microsoft Sentinel!

Implementing a Data Connector

Now we have an Sentinel Instance configured we are ready to create our first Data Connector! For this example I’m going to configure Microsoft Entra ID.

  1. Within Sentinel go to the Content Hub and search for “Micosoft Entra ID”
  2. Please click “Install” -> Note: you see that there are Analytics Rules, Workbooks and Playbooks in this Solution which we are configuring later!
  1. After installation please click “Manage”
  1. Now we are in the Solution settings menu, here you see how many items need configuration.
  1. Select (checkbox) Microsoft Entra ID and open the Connector Page
  2. Select all logs and Apply changes!
  1. Your Data Connector is now ready to import Data into Sentinel (this might take up to 24 hours

Implementing a Analytics Rule

In this example we are going to use an Analytics Rule which is associated with the Microsoft Entra ID Data Connector

  1. Go to the Solution Settings menu as shown in step 4 of the previous Subject.
  2. Select a rule of your choice and “Create Rule”
  1. Now we are in the Rule Settings, you are able to change information and logic of this rule template to match your own requirements.
  2. On the Incident Settings, configure if your want Sentinel to create Incidents based on this Rule
  1. On the Automation response tab, you can add actions as you desire. For example running a Playbook when this Alert occurs!
  1. Your rule is now active!

Implementing a Playbook

In this example we are going to use an Playbook which is associated with the Microsoft Entra ID Data Connector

  1. Go to the Solution Settings menu as shown in step 4 of the previous Subject.
  2. Select a Playbook and Select Configuration
  1. You can also do this from the Automation -> Playbook (Templates) menu:
  1. Configure the basic settings:
  1. Note the Connections that are needed, sometime the Paybooks create Managed Identities which need additional Roles!
  1. Create
  2. Now the Logic App (Playbook) will open
  1. Review the Steps and Connectors
  2. Give the Managed Identity the Roles or Permissions it requires!
  1. Now your Playbook is ready to go! Please add as an automation action to Analytics Rules 😊

I hope that with this blog in the Sentinel Series you will be able to setup a Basic Microsoft Sentinel Instance! Please follow my upcoming blogs about more Sentinel Features!

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